Retractable Injection Quill

Retractable injection quills represent a significant advancement in fluid delivery systems. These devices enable precise, controlled injection of chemicals into pressurized systems without interruption.

ريشة الحقن الكيميائي


Overview of Retractable Injection Quills

Retractable injection quills represent a significant advancement in fluid delivery systems. These devices enable precise, controlled injection of chemicals into pressurized systems without interruption. Manufacturers design them to retract, allowing easy maintenance and adjustment without shutting down the system. This feature significantly enhances operational flexibility and safety.

Importance in Various Industries

In the chemical industry, retractable injection quills ensure the accurate dosing of reactants, crucial for maintaining product quality and safety. Pharmaceutical applications benefit from their precision, which is essential for the stringent requirements of drug manufacturing. In water treatment, these quills play a vital role in the disinfection process, accurately metering chlorine and other treatment chemicals to ensure public health. Each industry values the quill’s ability to deliver substances efficiently and safely, proving its universal importance.

الحقن الكيميائي

نموذج الاختيار

سيريشة حاقن كيميائي
بكسكسكسيكتبمادةختم مادة
0لا يوجد طلب0CS0لا يوجد طلب
1أجوف جسم التوصيل1316SS3مفاجآت صيف دبي1فيتون O-الدائري / PTFE التعبئة الأولية
2جسم التوصيل الصلب2316LSS4إنكونيل2هنبر
–رمزحقن الجوز
نكسحجم الاتصالمادة
0أي لا يوجد طلب0i.e. CS
1أي 1/4 "1أي 316SS3أي مفاجآت صيف دبي
2أي 1/2 "2أي 316LSS4أي إنكونيل
–رمزحقن أنبوب
Sxxx-Lx"حجم الاتصالمادةفوههحجم الخط (x")
0لا يوجد طلب0CS0أي لا يوجد طلبيكون الوضع الأكثر فعالية للحقن بشكل عام في وسط الأنبوب
1أي 1/4 "1أي 316SS1أي مفتوح
2أي 1/2 "2أي 316LSS2أي ريشة
3أي مفاجآت صيف دبي3i.e. Cap & Core
4أي إنكونيل
–رمزالحلمة والصمام (أو النهاية شفة) من نقطة الإنطلاق
تكسحجم الاتصالمادة
0أي لا يوجد طلب0i.e. CS
1أي 1/4 "الحلمةaأي 1/4 "الحلمة والصمام1أي 316SS
2أي 1/2 "الحلمةbأي 1/2 "الحلمة والصمام2أي 316LSS
3أي 3/4 "الحلمةcأي 3/4 "الحلمة والصمام3أي D SS
4أي 1 "الحلمةdأي 1 "الحلمة والصمام4أي إنكونيل
5أي 1/4 "شفةeأي 1/4 "شفة نهاية الحلمة
6أي 1/2 "شفةfأي 1/2 "شفة نهاية الحلمة
7أي 3/4 "شفةgأي 3/4 "شفة نهاية الحلمة
8أي 1 "شفةحأي 1 "شفة نهاية الحلمة
على سبيل المثال ، SI-P221-N12-S122-L4 "-T22
SI:e.g. Sampling & Injection Assembly,
P221: على سبيل المثال جسم المكونات الصلبة في 316LSS Viton O-Ring والتعبئة الأولية PTFE ،
N12: على سبيل المثال حجم اتصال الجوز هو 1/4 "و المواد هي 316LSS ،
S122: على سبيل المثال الحقن أنبوب حجم الاتصال هو 1/4 "و المواد هي 316LSS. نوع الفوهة هو الريشات
L4 ": ل 4" الأنابيب.
تي 22: حلمة من حجم اتصال نقطة الإنطلاق هو 1/2 "، مادة الحلمة هي 316LSS

المواصفات الفنية

اسمنظام أخذ عينات ريشة الحقن الكيميائي لخط الأنابيب
مادةالفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ 304 ، الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ 316 ، DSS F51 ، الكربون الصلب A105N ، Inconel 625
درجة حرارة التشغيل-20±120
ملامح1. سهولة التشغيل
2. عالية الدقة حياة طويلة
3. كفاءة عالية وتكلفة منخفضة
قسطترينيداد وتوباغو/LC
مزاياأولا ، فهي خفيفة الوزن ومرنة.
ثانيا ، كفاءة حقن لطيفة.
أخيرا ، تتبع دقيق للموقع.

What is a Retractable Injection Quill?

A retractable injection quill is a sophisticated device used to inject chemicals into a pressurized pipeline safely and efficiently. Unlike fixed quills, this type features a retractable design that allows operators to withdraw it from the pipeline without halting system operation. This capability is crucial for maintaining continuous process flows and ensures minimal disruption during maintenance or adjustments.

The basic design of a retractable injection quill consists of a robust body and a stinger, or nozzle, that extends into the pipeline. Manufacturers typically use corrosion-resistant materials such as PVC, Kynar, 316 stainless steel, or Hastelloy C-276 for construction to withstand harsh chemicals. The stinger, ranging from 3” to 8” in length, features multiple injection holes. These holes are strategically placed to optimize the dispersion of chemicals into the center of the pipeline flow.

This design prevents the chemical from merely running down the pipeline wall, which can cause uneven distribution and potential damage. Instead, it ensures that chemicals mix thoroughly with the process fluid, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness. Additionally, the quill includes female by male NPT connections, simplifying the installation process and enhancing compatibility with existing pipeline setups.

حاقن ريشة

Key components of Retractable Injection Quill

Quill Body

The quill body forms the main structure of the injection quill. It is typically made from materials resistant to corrosion and chemical degradation, such as stainless steel or specialized plastics. The body houses the internal components and connects directly to the pipeline, providing stability and durability for the injection process.

Injection Tip

The injection tip, or stinger, is a critical component that extends into the pipeline. Designed with precision, it features multiple holes through which chemicals are injected into the flow of the process fluid. The tip ensures the even distribution of chemicals, preventing them from clinging to pipeline walls and enhancing the mixing efficiency.

Flange or Welded Connection

A flange or welded connection is used to attach the injection quill securely to the pipeline. Flanged connections allow for easier installation and removal, ideal for systems requiring regular maintenance. Welded connections offer a more permanent solution, providing robust sealing and higher pressure handling capabilities.

Valves and Fittings

Valves and fittings regulate the flow and pressure of chemicals entering the quill. These components are crucial for precise control over the injection process, allowing operators to adjust the rate and volume of chemical delivery according to the needs of the system.


Tubing connects the injection quill to the chemical supply source. It must be durable and compatible with the chemicals being used, often made from the same materials as the quill body to ensure consistent resistance to corrosion and wear.

Mounting and Support Structures

Mounting and support structures provide stability and alignment for the injection quill within the pipeline system. These components are essential for maintaining the proper positioning of the quill, ensuring that the injection process is both safe and effective under various operational conditions.

    Retractable Injection Quill Applications in Different Industries

    Chemical Processing

    • Chemical Delivery: Injection quills facilitate the precise delivery of reactive and corrosive chemicals in processes such as acid neutralization and solvent recovery.
    • Safety and Efficiency: They enhance safety by minimizing exposure and improving the efficiency of chemical reactions through better mixing.

    معالجة المياه

    • Disinfection: Commonly used for the accurate dosing of chlorine and other disinfectants to ensure the safety of drinking water.
    • pH Regulation: Helps in adjusting the pH of water by injecting alkaline or acidic solutions, crucial for maintaining the balance needed for specific treatments.

    النفط والغاز

    • Corrosion Control: Injection quills are vital for introducing corrosion inhibitors directly into pipelines, thus prolonging their lifespan and maintaining flow efficiency.
    • Scale Prevention: They inject scale inhibitors to prevent the accumulation of mineral deposits in pipes, which can impede fluid flow and increase maintenance costs.


    • Ingredient Mixing: Key to introducing precise amounts of active ingredients and excipients into pharmaceutical formulations, ensuring uniformity and efficacy of medicines.
    • Process Streamline: Helps streamline the manufacturing process by allowing continuous operations without the need for frequent stops, which is critical in environments that demand strict controls and repeatability.

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