Mechanical Pipe Cleaning Pigs

Mechanical pipe-cleaning pigs serve multiple applications across industries. They efficiently remove debris, sludge, and scale from pipelines, ensuring smooth flow. In the oil and gas sector, they eliminate wax and other deposits that accumulate over time.


پیگ خط لوله گاز

Mechanical pipe cleaning pigs are devices used to clean and maintain pipelines. They travel through the pipeline to remove debris, buildup, and obstructions. Equipped with brushes, blades, or scrapers, they effectively clear residues from the pipe walls. Industries such as oil and gas, water treatment, and chemical processing rely on these pigs for efficient pipeline maintenance. They help improve flow efficiency and prevent blockages, ensuring smooth operation. Additionally, mechanical pigs can adapt to various pipeline sizes and configurations, making them versatile tools in industrial applications.

گزارش تست پلی اورتان

نه.پروژه ازمایشیواحدگزارش ازمونروش ازمون
1سختی ساحلساحل A83گیگابایت / T 531.1-2008
2سایش DINمیلی متر321گیگابایت / T 53516-1987
3ساییدگی اکرونسانتی متر30.0518گیگابایت / T 1689-1998
4100٪ استرس در کشیدگی قطعیمگاپاسکال3.41گیگابایت / T 528-2009
5300٪ استرس در طول معینمگاپاسکال5.74گیگابایت / T 528-2009
6استحکام کششیمگاپاسکال51.2گیگابایت / T 528-2009
7طول عمر در زمان استراحت%1263گیگابایت / T 528-2009
8قدرت اشک (زاویه راست)kN/متر مربع77گیگابایت / T 529-2008
9میزان انعطاف پذیری%34گیگابایت / T 1681-2009


نامMechanical Pipe Cleaning Pigs
مواد1. steel framework main body.
2. The disc material used to be Polyurethane, Viton, Neoprene, Nitrile butadiene etc.
3. مواد فنجان قبلا پلی اورتان ، ویتون ، نئوپرن ، نیتریل بوتادین و غیره بود.
4. برس فولادی یا برس نایلونی.
ویژگی1. Firstly, good wearing resistance.
2. Secondly, strong passing ability.
3. عملکرد تمیز کردن خوب.
4. سپس مکان و ردیابی دقیق.
5. در نهایت، میزان پایین مثبت کاذب.
روش بسته بندیپیگ های تمیز کننده لوله بسته بندی شده با فیلم پلاستیکی داخلی و جعبه چوبی تخته سه لا بیرونی.
مزایای 1. اولا، عملکرد آب بندی خوب.
2. ثانیا، مقاومت در برابر سایش بالا.

لوله کشی خوک

Applications of Mechanical Pipe Cleaning Pigs

Mechanical pipe-cleaning pigs serve multiple applications across industries. They efficiently remove debris, sludge, and scale from pipelines, ensuring smooth flow. In the oil and gas sector, they eliminate wax and other deposits that accumulate over time.

Additionally, these pigs clear rust and corrosion products, maintaining pipeline integrity. Before inspections, they prepare pipelines by cleaning them thoroughly, ensuring accurate results. They also separate different products in multiproduct pipelines, preventing contamination. During hydrostatic testing, pigs assist in drying pipelines, guaranteeing no water remains. These applications make them essential for maintaining efficient and safe pipeline operations.

اصل کار

In the pipeline to be operated, the corresponding series of pigs is placed according to the requirements of the operation. The outer edge of the pig cup is elastomically sealed with the inner wall of the pipeline, and the pressure difference generated by the pipe transport medium is used as the driving force to push the pig along the pipeline. The scaling or sediment in the pipeline is removed by the scraping and scouring function of the pig itself or the machine it carries.

Disk Foam Pig

Pigging Purpose

Clean the impurities, liquid accumulation, and pollution in the long distance natural gas pipeline, improve the efficiency of pipeline transportation, reduce the friction loss, reduce the corrosion of the inner wall of the pipeline, and extend the service life of the pipeline pigging cycle.

Pigging cycle

According to the pipeline conveying medium, the reasonable pigging period is determined according to the pipeline’s conveying efficiency and pressure difference. (Pipeline in service)

Magnitude of interference

The value of the outside diameter of the pig ball minus the inside diameter of the pipe as a percentage of the inside diameter of the pipe.

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