Disque en mousse Essuyage Cochon

The Foam Disc Wiping Pig effectively cleans pipelines with its versatile design. It uses durable foam discs to remove debris. This tool adapts easily to different pipeline sizes and configurations.

The Foam Disc Wiping Pig effectively cleans pipelines with its versatile design. It uses durable foam discs to remove debris. This tool adapts easily to different pipeline sizes and configurations. Additionally, its lightweight structure simplifies handling and operation. Industries frequently use it to maintain pipeline efficiency. The pig’s design ensures thorough cleaning without damaging the pipe interior. Furthermore, it minimizes downtime by swiftly completing cleaning tasks. Its cost-effectiveness makes it a popular choice for routine maintenance. Overall, the Foam Disc Wiping Pig offers reliability and efficiency in various industrial applications.

Porcs de pipeline en mousse.

Specification of Polyurethane Material

Polyurethane material specification:
NON.Factory inspection main indicatorsCup/DISC
120℃Hardness(SHORE A)85±2
2Tensile strength (MPa)51.7
3100%stress at definite elongation (MPa)4.8
4300%stress at definite elongation (MPa)9.2
5Tensile set (%)780
6Tear strength (KN/m)73
7Impact resilience (%)32
8DIN abrasion (mm²)35

Test Report of Polyurethane

Polyurethane Test Report
1Dureté ShoreRivage A83GB/T 531.1-2008
2Abrasion DINmm321GB/T 53516-1987
3Abrasion d’Akroncm30.0518GB/T 1689-1998
4100% stress at definite elongationMpa3.41GB/T 528-2009
5300% stress at definite elongationMpa5.74GB/T 528-2009
6TractionMpa51.2GB/T 528-2009
7Allongement à la rupture%1263GB/T 528-2009
8Tear strength(right angle)kN/m77GB/T 529-2008
9Taux de résilience%34GB/T 1681-2009

Mousse nue Pig Haute densité

Differences Between Common Foam Pigs and Foam Disc Wiping Pigs

Common foam pigs and Foam Disc Wiping Pigs differ in design and application. Common foam pigs use a solid foam body for cleaning. They excel at removing debris and liquids from pipelines. However, Foam Disc Wiping Pigs use multiple foam discs. This design provides enhanced contact with the pipe surface. Consequently, they achieve more thorough cleaning.

Additionally, Foam Disc Wiping Pigs adapt better to varied pipe conditions. Their flexible discs handle bends and irregularities effectively. Meanwhile, common foam pigs offer simplicity and are cost-effective for basic cleaning. Choosing between them depends on specific pipeline needs and cleaning requirements.

Cochons Polly

Parameters of Foam Disc Wiping Pigs

NomDisque en mousse Essuyage Cochon
Matériel1. Corps principal à ossature en acier.
2. Le matériau du disque était le polyuréthane, le viton, le néoprène, le nitrile butadiène, etc.
3. Le matériau de la tasse était le polyuréthane, le viton, le néoprène, le nitrile butadiène, etc.
4. Brosse en acier ou brosse en nylon.
Caractéristique1. Tout d’abord, bonne résistance à l’usure.
2. Deuxièmement, une forte capacité de passe.
3. Belle performance de nettoyage.
4. Ensuite, localisation et suivi précis.
5. Enfin, un faible taux de faux positifs.
Manière d’emballerPorcs de nettoyage de tuyaux emballés avec film plastique intérieur et caisse extérieure en bois de contreplaqué.
Avantage 1. Tout d’abord, de bonnes performances d’étanchéité.
2. Deuxièmement, haute résistance à l’usure.

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