Выдвижной инъекционный перо EMT

EMT Retractable Injection Quill is a specialized device engineered by Shenyang EMT Piping Technology Co., Ltd., designed to facilitate the accurate and controlled injection of chemical inhibitors directly into pipelines. This is essential for minimizing corrosion, a common challenge in the oil, gas, and chemical industries. The retractable design of the quill ensures it can be inserted or removed from the pipeline without needing to shut down the system, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and safety.

EMT Retractable Injection Quill is a specialized device engineered by Shenyang EMT Piping Technology Co., Ltd., designed to facilitate the accurate and controlled injection of chemical inhibitors directly into pipelines. This is essential for minimizing corrosion, a common challenge in the oil, gas, and chemical industries. The retractable design of the quill ensures it can be inserted or removed from the pipeline without needing to shut down the system, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and safety.

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1. Order Information

Access Fitting Body

EMT-CIPAAccess Fitting Body of Coupon, Injector, Probe assembly
– The material of Access Fitting Body
The Type of Access Fitting Body
B2″Welded(suffix “pressure rating” can be added to B)
F2″ANSI Flange(suffix “pressure rating & sealing type” can be added to F
-Tee Size- pressure rating & sealing type if flanged end
0No Tee
5Hole for 1/4″SWN Flange
6Hole for 1/2″SWN Flange
7Hole for 3/4″SWN Flange
8Hole for 1″SWN Flange
-Protective Cover Type/ Material
0No Protective CoverМатериал
1Without holeCS or 0
2With holeSS or 1
3Bleed ValveDSS or 3
4Bleed Valve, & Pressure Gauge
For Example:EMT-CIPA-0F600#RF-2-1/CS shows 2″ANSI 600#RF Flange Access Fitting Body in CS, 1/2″NPT(F)Tee, Protective Cover in CS without hole

0F600#RF: 0F_ Access Fitting Body is Flanged in CS , 600#RF _Size is 2″ANSI 600#RF ,

2:Tee size is 1/2NPT(F)

1: Protective cover type is without hole

/CS: Protective cove material in CS

Sampler & Injector

СИSampler & Injector
ПхТипМатериалЗапечатывание Материал
0Нет запроса0КС0Нет запроса
1Полый Корпус вилки1316SS3СХД1Уплотнительное кольцо из витона / первичная набивка из ПТФЭ
2Прочный корпус вилки2316ЛСС4ИНКОНЕЛЬ2HNBR
–КодИнжекторная гайка
НххРазмер соединенияМатериал
0Нет запроса0КС
–КодSampling & Injection Тюбик
Схх-Лк"Размер соединенияМатериалСоплоРазмер линии (x")
0Нет запроса0КС0Нет запросаНаиболее эффективное положение для впрыска обычно находится в центре трубы
3СХД3Cap & Core
–КодType and Size of components connected to Tee and material of components
ТххРазмер соединенияМатериал
0Нет запроса0КС
11/4″Nipplea1/4″Nipple and Valve1316SS
21/2″Nippleb1/2″Nipple and Valve2316ЛСС
33/4″Nipplec3/4″Nipple and Valve3D SS
41″Nippled1″Nipple and Valve4ИНКОНЕЛЬ
51/4″SWN Flange*e1/4″Nipple and Flange
61/2″SWN Flangef1/2″Nipple and Flange
73/4″SWN Flangeg3/4″Nipple and Flange
81″SWN Flangeh1″Nipple and Flange
For Example:SI-P221-N12-S122-L4″-T22 SI:Sampling & Injection Assembly,P221: Solid Plug Body in 316LSS Viton O-Ring and PTFE Primary Packing,N12:Injection Nut Connection Size is 1/4″and Материал 316LSS,S122:Injection Тюбик Размер соединения составляет 1/4" и Материал 316LSS.Type of nozzle is quill,L4″:For 4″pipe. T22: Connection Size of Nipple connected to Tee is 1/2″NPT(M), Материал ниппеля 316ЛСС

Note: SWN Flange is special WN Flange

Example for a set of Sampler & Injector Assembly:

EMT-CIPA-0F600#RF-2-1+ SI-P221-N12-S122-L4-T22

2. Design and Construction of Retractable Injection Quill

Chemical Sampling Quill

Constructed for durability and precision, the quill includes various nozzle options, allowing customization based on the specific chemical injection requirements of different systems. The robust internal assembly features a solid plug body, an injection nut, and an injection tube, all crafted to ensure reliable and effective performance under varying operational conditions.

3. Integration and Compatibility

Connection to the pipeline system is streamlined and secure, with components such as an NPT nipple, a manual valve, and an SWN flange facilitating easy integration into existing infrastructure. The versatile process connection options, including 2″ flanges, 2″ Flareweld access fittings, and 1″ Nipple to NPT ball valves, allow the quill to be adapted to a wide range of pipeline sizes and configurations.

4. Operational Parameters

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Operating within a temperature range from -20 ℃ to 150 ℃, the EMT Retractable Injection Quill is capable of handling extreme environmental conditions, making it suitable for a variety of geographic and climatic scenarios. Furthermore, with a pressure rating of up to 6000 PSI, dependent on the flange size used, it can withstand high-pressure environments typical in industrial and energy production settings.

5. Benefits and Impact of Retractable Injection Quill

The EMT Retractable Injection Quill not only delivers chemical inhibitors efficiently but also ensures that the injection process does not interrupt pipeline operation. This feature is particularly valuable in continuous flow systems where downtime can lead to significant operational losses. Overall, the quill is a critical component for maintaining pipeline integrity and extending the lifespan of industrial piping systems, reflecting EMT’s commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction in providing advanced technological solutions.

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