Chemical Injection Quill With A DBB Valve

The EMT Chemical Injection Quill combined with a Double Block and Bleed (DBB) valve represents a significant advancement in fluid handling technology, offering a compact, efficient solution for precise chemical dosing while ensuring system integrity and safety.



The EMT Chemical Injection Quill combined with a Double Block and Bleed (DBB) valve represents a significant advancement in fluid handling technology, offering a compact, efficient solution for precise chemical dosing while ensuring system integrity and safety.

In modern industrial applications, there is a critical need for precise chemical injection and process sampling. These operations must occur under full operating pressures and temperatures to maintain system integrity and efficiency. Industries such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals frequently require the introduction of chemicals directly into the process stream. These chemicals, including de-waxing, de-icing, or de-foaming agents, help maintain the smooth flow of media through pipelines.

Simultaneously, process sampling plays a vital role in quality control, ensuring that the fluid compositions adhere to strict specifications. Both activities necessitate robust equipment capable of handling these tasks without compromising the system’s safety or performance. This is where Double Block and Bleed Valves come into play. Equipped with Injection Quills or Sampling Probes, these valves offer a compact and efficient solution.

Our company has innovated within this field by offering Double Block and Bleed Valves that integrate these functionalities seamlessly. Whether opting for one-piece body DBB, Modular Type, Monoflange Valves, or Manifold Valves, users can fit these with either an Injection Quill or Sampling Probe. This flexibility ensures that they can meet specific operational requirements while maintaining a high level of safety and efficiency.

Перо для впрыска химикатов

Specifications of EMT Chemical Injection Quill

ИмяPipeline Chemical Injection Quill Sampling System
МатериалНержавеющая сталь 304、Нержавеющая сталь 316、DSS F51、Углеродистая сталь A105N、Инконель 625
Рабочая температура-20±120
Особенность1. Easy Operating
2. High Accuracy Long Life
3. High Efficiency, Low cost
ПреимуществоВо-первых, они легкие и гибкие.
Во-вторых, приятная эффективность впрыска.
Наконец, точное отслеживание местоположения.
СИИгла для инжектора химикатов
ПхТипМатериалЗапечатывание Материал
0Нет запроса0КС0Нет запроса
1Полый Корпус вилки1316SS3СХД1Уплотнительное кольцо из витона / первичная набивка из ПТФЭ
2Прочный корпус вилки2316ЛСС4ИНКОНЕЛЬ2HNBR
–КодИнжекторная гайка
НххРазмер соединенияМатериал
0т.е. нет запроса0i.e. CS
1т.е. 1/4"1т.е. 316SS3т.е. DSS
2т.е. 1/2"2т.е. 316LSS4т.е. ИНКОНЕЛЬ
–КодИнъекция Тюбик
Схх-Лк"Размер соединенияМатериалСоплоРазмер линии (x")
0Нет запроса0КС0т.е. нет запросаНаиболее эффективное положение для впрыска обычно находится в центре трубы
1т.е. 1/4"1т.е. 316SS1т.е. открытый
2т.е. 1/2"2т.е. 316LSS2т.е. перо
3т.е. DSS3i.e. Cap & Core
–КодНиппель и клапан (или конец фланец) тройника
ТххРазмер соединенияМатериал
0т.е. нет запроса0i.e. CS
1т.е. соска 1/4"aт.е. 1/4"ниппель и клапан1т.е. 316SS
2т.е. 1/2"Ниппельbт.е. 1/2"ниппель и клапан2т.е. 316LSS
3т.е. 3/4"Ниппельcт.е. ниппель и клапан 3/4"3т.е. Д СС
4т.е. 1"Сосокdт.е. 1"Ниппель и клапан4т.е. ИНКОНЕЛЬ
5т.е. фланец 1/4 дюймаeт.е. фланец с концом ниппеля 1/4 дюйма
6т.е. фланец 1/2 дюймаfт.е. фланец с концом ниппеля 1/2"
7т.е. фланец 3/4"Фланецgт.е. фланец с ниппельным концом 3/4 дюйма
8т.е. фланец 1"Фланецhт.е. фланец с концом ниппеля 1 дюйм
Например, SI-P221-N12-S122-L4"-T22
SI:e.g. Sampling & Injection Assembly,
P221: например, прочный корпус заглушки в уплотнительном кольце из витона 316LSS и первичной упаковке из ПТФЭ,
N12: например, размер соединения инжекторной гайки составляет 1/4 дюйма и Материал 316ЛСС,
S122: например, инъекция Тюбик Размер соединения составляет 1/4" и Материал 316ЛСС. Тип насадки – иглы
L4":Для трубы 4".
Т22: Сосок Размер подключения тройника составляет 1/2 дюйма. Материал ниппеля 316ЛСС

Chemical Injector

Injection Quills Of the Перо для впрыска химикатов

In many industrial processes, the injection of specific chemicals such as de-waxing, de-icing, or de-foaming agents is essential. These chemicals help maintain the smooth and efficient flow of media through pipelines, preventing blockages and maintaining operational integrity. For instance, in cold climates, de-icing agents prevent the formation of ice that can obstruct flow, while de-waxing agents are crucial in oil pipelines to dissolve paraffin buildup.

To inject these chemicals effectively, operators use Double Block and Bleed Valves equipped with primary and secondary isolation valves. These valves play a pivotal role in controlling the injection process. The primary isolation valve opens to allow the chemical into the process stream, while the secondary valve offers an additional layer of control and safety, ensuring precise dosing and preventing accidental release.

Moreover, these valves often include non-return check valves. These check valves are integral to preventing backflow, ensuring that once injected, chemicals do not retreat back into the supply line. This feature is crucial for maintaining the purity of the chemical source and the safety of the overall system. Through these mechanisms, Injection Quills ensure the efficient and safe delivery of necessary chemicals into the process stream.

Sampling Probe

In industrial settings, the ability to sample process fluids accurately under full system pressure is crucial. This requirement ensures that the fluid’s quality meets all regulatory and safety standards. Regular sampling allows operators to monitor and adjust processes effectively, maintaining optimal performance.

Operators use sampling probes equipped with isolation and vent valves to capture process fluid samples. Firstly, they open the primary isolation valve to trap a specific amount of fluid. Next, they close this valve to isolate the sample within a designated section of the pipeline. The vent valve then safely releases the trapped sample at a reduced pressure, making it safe for analysis.

For larger sample volumes, the approach changes slightly. Operators still use the primary and secondary isolation valves to capture a broader sample. In these cases, integrating a Non-Return Check Valve is essential. This valve prevents the backflow of the sample into the main process stream, ensuring the integrity and isolation of the sample. This method not only secures a larger volume but also maintains the safety and accuracy needed for thorough evaluation. Through these techniques, operators can effectively manage and assess the quality of process fluids.

Non-Return Valve

High-integrity full-bore non-return valves play a critical role in preventing fluid backflow in process systems. These valves automatically allow fluid to flow in one direction and block it in the opposite direction. The design features a spring-loaded poppet that opens under forward pressure and seals tightly when the flow attempts to reverse. This functionality ensures leak-proof performance crucial for maintaining system integrity and preventing contamination.

Manufacturers design these valves with adjustable cracking pressures. This feature allows customization based on the specific pressure requirements of a process, enhancing versatility across different applications. The spring tension in the poppet can be adjusted, setting the pressure at which the valve begins to open, thereby accommodating varying operational conditions.

Construction of Quills/Probes

The manufacturing of quills and probes offers several options to suit diverse industrial needs. One common method is the single-piece forging, which provides excellent strength and durability due to its continuous material grain flow. Alternatively, producers also use forged barstock, which allows for more flexibility in manufacturing.

Assembly techniques for these components include screwing, torquing, seam welding, and socket welding. Screwing and torquing are straightforward methods that facilitate easy assembly and disassembly, suitable for applications requiring regular maintenance or inspections. Seam welding offers enhanced strength and leak-proof joints, ideal for high-pressure scenarios. Socket welding also ensures a strong, continuous connection, crucial for maintaining the integrity under dynamic conditions.

Dimension and Bore

Customization is key in the design of quills and probes, with options available for overall quill length and pipe schedule. Users can specify the length from the tip of the quill to just below the flange face, ensuring the quill reaches into the process stream as required. The pipe schedule, which indicates the wall thickness of the piping, can also be tailored to match the pressure and volume demands of the application.

Standard bore sizes typically include 10mm, 14mm, and 20mm, but manufacturers can provide other sizes upon request to accommodate specific flow rates or viscosities. This flexibility ensures that the quill or probe can be optimized for the particular characteristics of the process fluid and the requirements of the sampling or injection task.

By offering these customizable options, manufacturers like EMT ensure their double block and bleed valves equipped with quills and probes can meet a wide range of industrial applications. Whether for sampling or injection, these tailored solutions help maintain operational efficiency, safety, and compliance with industry standards.

Conclusion to the Chemical Injection Quill

In conclusion, the EMT Chemical Injection Quill combined with a Double Block and Bleed (DBB) valve represents a significant advancement in fluid handling technology, offering a compact, efficient solution for precise chemical dosing while ensuring system integrity and safety. This integration allows for controlled injection of chemicals directly into the process stream, vital for maintaining operational efficiency and compliance in industries such as oil and gas or petrochemicals.

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